
What an angel.


Maggie's a great model. Sorry my pictures are so blurry... Can't keep my hand steady..

Would You Light My Candle?

Blurry.. I took a picture of the actual picture and it didn't turn out so good. You have to see it in person. Same goes for all the Maggie pictures above.

Cash Register



8th Grade Watercolour

I think it's pretty.


Cool design from a colouring book that I coloured in.


Brian painted this one. It's a blue Fergie. Notice the mole, please.


Jaimie Judith Joan Johnson

painted Jaimie, my bestest girlfriend evvverr. =)
not very good, but whatever.
ha. that rhymed.

Self Portrait

I am actually very proud of this painting. It's based off of a picture I took of myself in maine. If you're gonna bash my art, don't bash this piece.


This picture was an accident. I think it's neat.


This picture was taken the same day as the one of Haley. The wagon looked lonely and forgotten.


This was the result of me and Haley messing around with my dad's old camera last summer.