photoshop (pictures for myspace)

^this one actually isn't photoshopped.

yeah... this is what i do in my free time. I take emotive pictures of myself and mess with them on photoshop... i know there's a lot of them and i know they kind of all look the same... but i thought'd i'd post them here anyway...


Maggie and Me

yeah.. i painted maggie (top), she painted me.


i was bored.


This is the original picture of Maggie that my painting (two posts below) is based off of.


Here's Maggie modeling for my clothes.. mmhmm. She's a cutie.


This was actually made by putting my glass of water on my sketchbook and it made a shadow.. So I kind of traced the shadow (using my creative liscense, of course) and it ended up sort of looking like a volcano.

Emma Watson

Not very good... and the flash of the camera made it hard to see...

Matt Habib

This is a lizard//fetus that I named Matt Habib.


cutest skunk I ever drew =)


Most randomest picture I've ever dreamt up.
I'll call it "modern art" and maybe it'll be accepted.
It's freakin weird man, even for me...

Emo Brian

The only picture I ever drew of Brian that came out half decent.
It's supposed to be sad.


random drawings because I have no life.
I sort of like the demented hand, though.